
Enabling Organizational Transformations

Organization Change

Though one thinks that organisations are enduring structures in a changing society, however, the truth is that organisations are changing all the time. Organisational change takes different forms. Cresco specializes in interventions designed to help organizations build resilience and sustainability through their processes, teams and leaders.

Whether it is about adapting to changing business environment or about proactively driving change through the organization – we provide end to end consulting and solutions

Our organizational and behavioral change management tools and coaching solutions provide a practical road map for people to actively engage with change leading to business success.

The Cresko Advantage
Premium solution provider – tried, tested, trustworthy solutions
  • Consulting and Solutioning of Organizational Change
  • Leadership coaching and development
  • People skill development programs
  • Bsinuess mentoring for start-ups
  • Digitization solutions for businesses
Best in Class Solutions – based on Global Best Practices
  • Backed by CXO experience in implementation of globally established tools and techniques
  • Research based design and solutioning – more than two decades of experience in organization change and development solutions
Customized solutions – to address specific organizational needs
  • Organizational Situational Diagnosis is conducted to ascertain practical solutions required
  • Provide specifically customized solutions for effectiveness and sustained success
End to End Solutions – one stop shop
  • From organizational need mapping to implantation of process changes and skills & knowledge developed. A structure and practical hand holding during the implementation.
The "How" of Cresko Consulting

Organizational Needs Analysis
As a first step we engage with the organization for a systematic assessment and generation of SWOT for the unit. This organizational needs mapping and analysis is focused on the business / people challenge identified. Depending on the issues involved we interact with key stakeholders, employees and review relevant processes. A comprehensive Organization Needs Analysis report is generated as an output. These inputs are further used for customization and contextualization of the solutions that help overcome the challenge and enable growth.

A close follow through is essential for sustained success of initiative. Process changes will need to be monitored and practical implementation ensured. The desired behavior change will need to be observed and feedback provided.
We offer our clients a structured follow-up post the implementation of the solutions. Facilitates practical gains from the interventions / processes implemented. Enables sustenance of the desired change in the organization.

A close follow through is essential for sustained success of initiative. Process changes will need to be monitored and practical implementation ensured. The desired behavior change will need to be observed and feedback provided. We offer our clients a structured follow-up post the implementation of the solutions. Facilitates practical gains from the interventions / processes implemented. Enables sustenance of the desired change in the organization.

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